Saturday, January 09, 2010

Beany Blini

This was one of our New Year's Eve treats. The smoked salmon was already in the fridge, and so was the sour cream. All we needed was some little buckwheat pancakes.
Believe it or not, I do have buckwheat flour in the pantry, but I'm not certain it's not contaminated with wheat flour.
However, I do have chickpea flour. Garbanzo bean flour!
We have successfully experimented with thin, crepe-like soccas; delicate big pancakes made with chickpea flour and water and not much else. So why wouldn't they make dandy silver-dollar-sized pancakes?
They would. Dandy as hell.
They are a little burned, because it was New Year's Eve, and champagne was on the premises.
Still, delicious.
The next day, I Googled "socca blini." Sheesh, of course. I'm not the first to dream this up.


Kailyn said...

Sounds yummy. I have yet to taste something made with chickpeas that I haven't liked.

mentalie said...

oooh, i second kailyn!

Greg said...

I tried to smoke salmon once. It was really hard to keep it lit. ;)
Looks like a perfect way to start the new year.

Zoomie said...

Ochocinco? You play football?

cookiecrumb said...

Kailyn: Agreed! And special thanks to you for teaching me to use hummus for dipping artichoke leaves.

Mentalie: I eat 'em straight out of the can sometimes when I'm hungry and unimaginative.

Greg: Harharhar. We actually did smoke our own salmon a few years ago and it was wonderful. Time to try that again.
Happy New Year.

Zoomie: Sometimes I think you're the only one who reads my stupid subheads. Thank you.

kudzu said...

I read your subheads but I have no idea what the reference is! (Color me specifically non-jockette.)

cookiecrumb said...

Kudzu: That's a really funny football player who changed his name to match his jersey, No. 85. I'd never heard of him until the playoffs, and now he's played off...