I'll tell you what I'm eating today (and I must interject here that once, on Easter Sunday, I was served RABBIT in the dining room of a cruise ship, so I was traumatized and maintain an uneasy relationship with Easter feasts): For breakfast we are making matzoh brei. I love that stuff, even though I have no cultural heritage for the dish. I learned it from the mother of a college boyfriend (and this woman had converted to Quakerism, so what a Mr. Toad's Wild Ride there). I think I'm pretty good at making it the way I like (buttery, fluffy and salty), though I understand there's a method for crisping it on both sides like a soft, browned frittata. Sort of. I guess. I might try that. Sounds good. (I've been on a restricted diet for the past week that disallowed white flour, so no matzohs for Passover. No problem; I'll just fit it in later. I'm loose with holidays. I almost always make matzoh brei for Christmas breakfast; just one of my many illogical irreligious feasts.)
Then, later on, we're going to try Ilva's asparagus deviled eggs. Simply cannot resist. What a pure, heathen acknowledgement of the sensuality of spring. Yep, doing that.
No lamb for dinner. Ugh. Nor rabbit.
By the way, that concrete bunny is really sitting in my patio, but he's not on a grill over a fire. It's our etagére that we keep potted flowers on; those are marigolds, not flames. Nice, cool bunny.
^_^ Laughter linked to health, happiness ^_^
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As long as you are skipping the religious stuff, may I suggest my uncles recipe for matzah brie which includes caramelized onions and bacon? It is amazing but then again, what isn't when you add bacon....
Another tasty version uses a sprinkling of cinnamon and sugar making it sweet instead of savory.
It all sounds good to me, love the concrete bunny.
Cute bunny. I will be having lamb today because that's what my mom is cooking. But there will also be asparagus. I picked it up at the El Cerrito Farmers Market yesterday, along with lots of other tasty stuff.
Smilesleep: Oh, like we'll see you again commenting on this blog.
Amy! Your uncle is a trip! Bacon. So very tasty.
Beccy: It's really simple food. A celebration of the season, with a bit of sex added.
Dagny: Good girl. I don't know how you do it. I wish you a happy family meal.
My former roommate used to make the egg and matzah dish, so delish!
Easy. Besides the asparagus, I also brought wine. hehe Oh, and mint jelly that my mother decided was weird looking because it wasn't fluorescent green. I had to explain to her that organic jelly does not contain food coloring. *sigh*
Bunny for Easter is just cruel ...although there's one in my herb garden I wouldn't mind seeing on a spit. Damn, but they dig big burrows. I could loose a dog in there!
I have awarded/tagged you with "Thinking Blogger".
First you make me laugh, then you make me think!
Happy Monday!
I had lamb, really good!
Hey, we had matzoh brei for our Easter brunch too! A little culturally confused, but yummy nonetheless.
I like your post title. A friend (raised catholic) recently asked me why non-religious people (such as myself) celebrate Easter. I tried to politely say that her people had stolen my pagan spring holiday and I thought they should at least be nice enough to share it:-)
Err. I had Lamb AND asparagus. Did I do something wrong or something?
Anna: It's always nice to see someone make it, so you'll know what to aim for when you try it yourself.
Dagny: Organic mint jelly? Very impressive.
Katie: You are sweet. I think I might go after that garden bunny with a bow and arrow if I were you.
Thanks for the tag! Too kind.
Kevin: I have no doubt it was good. It's not that I don't like lamb; it's that I'm in the middle of a big project and my tummy is too spooky for "important" food.
Tea: That's perfect! I applaud you.
Sam: Sounds like you did the right thing. I applaud you, too.
Happy concrete bunnies! (late sorry, as I was "trapped" in big sur for the weekend) Remind me to tell you about the geocached garden gnome I found for my mother-in-law sometime......
That's a pretty good looking bunny- and I am a bunny connoisseur. I have bunnies (statues) and goddesses (also statues) in my waterfall garden, and bunnies (sadly, not statues but this time of year, very cute and not yet destructive) in my vegetable garden. And I too, love the title- I had a conversation with one of my sisters yesterday in which those very words were used.
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