I need a studio.
So I tried again today, after my usual cruise through the blogs.
Whoa. Over at Lucullian Delights, Ilva beat me to it by posting her stunning pix of romanesco cauliflower — today, Italy time.
Ilva is a fantastic photographer, so I can't really be envious, just admiring. Even she admits that these little buggers are hard to capture.
My cauliflower here is not one of those wacky, fractally things, however. It seems simply to be a green (which is not to say unripe) cauliflower, nothing more — although it's the first one I've ever seen.
I didn't even think to ask the farmer what it was called. But I wouldn't have trusted his answer anyway. He said that the romanesco cauliflower (which he was also selling) is a hybrid, crossed with asparagus. Asparagus! I guess he figured that's where those funny, pointy peaks come from (go look at Ilva's pictures).
But he's wrong.
Doesn't it make you wonder what other kind of hooey those farmers are feeding us dumb city folk?
Nah, I like what they feed us.
So whatcha gonna do with this pretty green thang?
That's a good picture.I don't know what it is about the light this time of year but it makes photos a little difficult.
The picture was worth the wait. And I love the farmer's tall tale.
OMG! Guess Nov. 13th should be green cauliflower day!
that link was great, amazing photos of amazing food!! I think I could get my 4 year old to gobble that down, just tell him it's lizzard or horny toad or something...
JJ: You got any ideas? I usually roast cauliflower, but then it gets all these delicious brown bits, and I'm not sure I want to do that to this pretty thing - um, thang. And I'm afraid steaming would leach the color.
Greg: The light this time of year makes a LOT of things a little difficult; ask my husband. :D
Dagny: Sweet. "Tall tale." Only a teacher would be so poetic.
Catherine: Yeah! WTF!!
Stacie: Monster food for kids. Oh, please tell me you try this.
Hey! On my father's side I come from a line of farmers. And they were all blessed with the gift of gab. It was not a "lie," but merely a bit of "embellishment to make a much more entertaining story." Gotta love Southerners.
Dag: OK, you talked me into it. Next time I see this guy I'll get him going. He looks grumpy, but I don't think he really is.
I think I'm going to head over to the hardware store and take a look at those lights I sent you the url to a few weeks ago. See if I can find those replacement bulbs too.
Time for an errand!
I sure wonder sometimes!! I bought a "kabocha" squash after asking which one it was, only to find out it was not. But it was still yummy nonetheless. I like your green cauliflower - now, let's see what you do with it!
Romanesco isn't actually a cauliflower, it's a relative of broccoli. So my greengrocer said. He's probably related to yours. I reckon they just make stuff up!
Bigs: I spread the word on those lights somewhere, I forget. I'll be doing my own Home Depot rummaging soon, too. Thanks again.
Michelle: Right. Kabochas are orange, not blue. Funny. But I bet they all taste pretty similar. Without a trace of asparagus, heh.
MG: Oh, yeah, right. No wonder Ilva was calling it "cabbage." Now I'm totally lost.
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