Tom DeLay, a former pest exterminater who was indicted last September in Texas on charges of money laundering and conspiring to funnel illegal corporate contributions to Republican statehouse candidates, is going to abandon his congressional race and quit the House of Representatives.
Who the hell was he representing?
Oh, I'm not naive. I know he'll still be advising the vermin he ought to have been eliminating.
What a disordered man.
I love the way this photo makes him look so totally despicable.
Woo! The s.o. told me this last night before bed and totally made my day. How awesome.
Sadly, Delay represented his constituents. In other words, Texas has a lot more like him.
I find it scary that there might actually be people who he represents.
Did you create this "portrait" of TD? (Interesting: I never thought of the fact that his initials stand for transmittable disease.....)
I recall his mug shot when he was indicted as his smarmy smiling self.
We know he isn't departing the planet, but it's good to know there's official resignation to celebrate.
The great thing is now, hopefully, without DeLay, folks will really begin to scrutinize Frist for the sham he is. OOh, I just realized I sorta made a pun there.
Good riddance. Now if we could get the rest of this administration to follow suit...
Take back Congress in 2006! Do everything you can (money, phone calls, general zeitgeist frame-the-discussion conversations) to make it happen.
Finally. And good riddance! I had no idea he used to be a pest exterminator. How fitting!
Praise the Democrats above! Hopefully, "Dubya" will soon follow suit!
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