I put in some time in the kitchen today, but I'm not ready to show you what I'm working on. I should have started this project two or three days sooner to meet my deadline of Sunday, but it's a repeat of a previous, successful dish and I have confidence in the outcome. My hands smell really great (hint: garlic, not flowers).
Lunch was half a box of cheese crackers, Whole Foods' house brand. Not bad at all; less greasy and salty than Cheez-Its. And we're meeting friends for dinner (dragging out the birthday celebration).
So no phood photo.
Just wondering, though. Any chance Alito will get B
Just wondering.
did you put thyme in the kitchen too?
Ha ha ha.
No, but I put some (rhymes with Bork) in the kitchen!
Which brings up the question, what does the Swedish Chef say when he's frying bacon?
"Yorn desh born, der ritt de gitt der gue, Orn desh, dee born desh, de umn børk! børk! børk!"
Speaking of grammar, mrs d, you sidestepped saying "begs the question." Don't think I didn't notice! Brava.
After Alioto's wife pulled that emotional bit, I think he is now a shoo-in.
PE: A bunch of rehearsed PR on her part. Or maybe she was just trying to get the focus off him... either way, same possible outcome.
And the media falls all over it.
That looks like the tea bushes I used to have in front of the house in SF. But I suppose it's something culinary instead?
Surely rosemary doesn't flower... or does it? Well, it does look as spiky to me...
Nah, nothing edible. It's just a flower from the garden around the pool where my parents live. But Mae, rosemary does blossom! Little periwinkle-blue flowers that Taste Good! I'm waiting for my young new rosemary plant to blossom. But if it doesn't, I'll just go pick the flowers from the bush out front.
Please be sure to post that! I'll ask my mum to call me (she lives just around the corner) when her rosemary bush flowers - i'd like to see this!
that is one of my favourite colour combos - pink and jade green. that is what colour my blog is supposed to be but I am not sure I captured it as good as you did
OK, Mae. Maybe I should wait until it's in bloom, and then I'll do a Friday Herb Blog. It should be soon.
Sam, help yourself to the photo if you like. When I clicked the "lucky" button on Picasa (on my dad's PC, in Escondido) for this pic, it came out luminous and otherworldly. What you're seeing here is the result of the iPhoto magic wand. Well, and of course, a damn fine photo to begin with. :D
Mae: Wait a minute: I DID do a rosemary herb blog, back in November! My memory's shot. And the picture had a little blue flower in it, right on top of Bean Sprout's head.
Ok, i'll go dig! Now.
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