The beets from the Point Reyes Station farmers market weren't the typical deep purpley-red, which is esthetically good, because our chilled soup of pureed roasted beets, raw sweet onion, cucumber, buttermilk and seasonings didn't turn out a frightening fuchsia as it has in the past. Still, pretty wacko, eh? (The polka dots are radish slices.) Delightful fare for a warm day.
Gluttony aside, my thoughts are with all the unfortunate, uneasy inhabitants of the Big Easy as Katrina prepares to wallop the place. Take cover. Take care.
Er, so you purchased chioggas, right? (Rather than red beets.) Red beets are great for staining napkins and clothing, but golden and chioggas are the best tasting (to me).
Yeah, probably chioggias, though they weren't labeled. They did have those lovely red 'n' white rings inside. Very sweet.
(PS: Thanks for posting. I've taken a peek at your blog and am about to spend six or seven hours exploring it. Berkeley, you?)
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