Well, as you can see, potato, tomato, hard-cooked egg, and herbs. Olive oil. Salt.
I mean, come on!
Have you thought of this?
We grew the vegetables and herbs. The egg is local, and (here's the fun part) is pickled in jalapeño pickling juice with an added dash of curry powder.
I wouldn't call it "restaurant worthy" but I liked it.
"I kissed a potato, and I liked it. The taste of it's jalepeno chapstick..."
I haven't thought of this, but I'm wishing I had. I do like curried deviled eggs, and mayo-less potato salad. I think this works. Add some shredded chicken and throw it in a pita, dammit.
One of my most favourite dishes ever - blessed potato salad in all its many varieties. Yum.
Too have fun with Potato Salad is a sign of Peace. Oh brother you forgot the bacon.
Ms. Goofy and I will be there at 8 o clock(Sunday). Do you have any pears left for a trade?
There may be things around that are better than potatoes right from the garden but I don't know what they are. (Okay, Biggles, I know -- bacon.)
Nice riff on the typical Amurrican sweet pickle juice in the tater salad.
Oh good lord, Nikki had me rolling with the I Kissed A Potato! I agree, the egg in jalapeno pickling juice sounds yummy.
and just the other day i was thinking... i need to make a potato, tomato, jalepeno pickled hard-cooked egg and herb salad.
with curry.
but i'd have to answer no because i had to outsource the fucking pickled egg which makes it a non 100% locavore dish.
so i'm out...
but hey, i was soooooooo close....
That DOES look good.
Nikki: Have we lost you to the other team? The potato kissin' team?
Heather: Chicken? Wow, that would work. And pita, yeah. then you could walk around eating this from your hands.
Morgan: Many varieties, that's the idea. We just gotta let our imaginations run.
ChileBrown: I was kind of baconed-out, after two days straight of BLTs.
I suspect Cranky will be at the market, even if I'm not. I'll tell him to bring you some produce!
Kudzu: This was our last harvest of five potato plants. They had stayed in the ground the longest, and were OMG fantastic.
Mrs. L: Let your head run. You can also pickle eggs in black olive juice. Kimchee juice... On and on.
cook eat Fret: I don't get it. Aren't you growing your own jalapenos, mining your own salt and fermenting your own vinegar? Right next to the curry bush?
Anna: (Ooh, you snuck up on me.) Good enough to try again, and easy as, well, not pie. Easier.
that looks delicious!
How could anyone have thought of that? You are a true original!
Gosh, no - it seems 'zackly like something you and Cranky would cook up, however!
Add some tuna and olives, and you're in Nice. Maybe some green beans.
Monster: I'm still tasting it. Just wish it was prettier to look at.
Sam: I'm a faker. See Peter's comment. I just reinvented Salade Nicoise without the tuna and olives.
Zoomie: We never get tired of playing the "What do you think of Ingredient A with Ingredient B" game.
Peter!! OMG. You're right. Thank you for pulling away from the kaleidoscope and showing me what I have thrown together.
Yummy. My aunt in Savannah said today that she might just give up her recipe for potato salad with shrimp. Because apparently everything in Savannah contains shrimp.
I’m working with ABC to spread the word about their Mobile Pie Hole – a truck that’s traveling the country this month, giving away free pie for to kick off the second season of Pushing Daisies. The Pie Hole will be in San Francisco this Sunday, September 7th, at the Ghirardelli Square Chocolate Festival. As an SF Foodie, I thought you and your readers might want to stop by for some free pie!
You can read more about the Pie Hole tour at Pushingdaisiestour.com , or from the events page on Yelp: http://www.yelp.com/events/san-francisco-free-pie-at-the-pie-hole.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, event photos, etc, from ABC, please let me know!
All the best,
Miguel C.
I just want to say: I am so mad their promotional truck is a Pie Hole. That's just wrong...
And for the record, no, I'm still playing for the right team ;)
I shouldn't have spent so long away from your blog. Now I feel compelled to respond to all new posts, as I have an opinion (of course) on each of them. Here I feel like I should share with you how much I loathe mayonnaise, and how your idea for potato salad has given me a spuddy hope outside of the "German" realm of potato saladry. Thank you.
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