I've never had to avail myself of the medical and psychological safe harbor afforded by legal abortion. I hope you never have to, either.
But if you find you are pregnant in a time or circumstance where
having a child is wrong for you, I
Photo: NOW
hope you will be thankful for the tireless work of Planned Parenthood, the National Organization for Women, and so many others who have guaranteed your right to choose.
Your best choice, of course, is to choose wisely. Don't get "in trouble."
Stay out of unstable relationships. Make enough money to provide for an unexpected family... especially if amniocentesis shows that you may be carrying genetically damaged goods.
Oh, wait. These are not choices you can always reasonably make?
Then do whatever you can to protect your right to choose abortion.
Yeah. Abortion. Say it out loud.
Icky word. Icky choice.
Let's call it reproductive freedom.
Let's choose it. Let's protect it.
Amen, sister!
Hear, hear!
And as I tell others, just because you might not choose it for yourself, does not mean that you should be able to deny someone else the ability to make that choice.
I got really upset at the farmers' market this weekend (see, now we're back on topic) when a woman standing in line in front of me for the loo was wearing a button that said "Women Regret Abortion".
No, honey. YOU regret abortion. Others may, also.
Then I had to cut short my visit to the market, not because the protesters were loud (they were) but because the counter-protesters with their FRICKING MEGAPHONE were spewing really ugly vitriol right in front of the Rancho Gordo booth. Um, guys? Isn't this making the pro-choice side look like the demons that they say we are? Grrrr.
I think I am getting too old for this crap...
To the freedom to choose.
Yeah! Abortion is an option for those without options... keep it safe and legal!
I think I'm pregnant. Oh wait, it's just bacon! I'm pro-choice on bacon.
And just so you know there's hope. My grandmother is pro-choice and she been done born and raised in Kansas. She says it ain't nobody's damned business but mine. Go GRAMS !!!
I like that a boy weighed in here.
Thanks to all you wimmen, and thanks to Biggles for his support and unnerstandin'. And his gramma.
I also want to call out Stacie for her urgent poetry.
There's a brilliant and disturbing photoblog out of Washington, D.C. called "Princess Sparkle Pony's Photoblog" and I thought I'd leave the link to his reaction about the "anti-choice creeps weekend" recently:
Scroll down a little.
Very well said. I just finished reading the article in the Sunday NY Times Magazine about the new tack the anti-choice movement is taking, claiming that abortion should be illegal because it harms women psychologically. The logic is just so flawed in so many ways. Thankfully, there are lots out there like Biggles' grandmother keeping us safe!
Rock on, Cookiecrumb! Thanks for reminding me of a very important date, and that it's time to mail that check to Planned Parenthood ...
My favorite bumper-sticker retort to pro-lifers is, "Against abortion? Don't have one!" I am so effing sick of women being treated like wombs-in-waiting. How many days before we get Bush and Dick out of office?
hell yeah! i'm so glad women's rights are where they're at!... i just hope they stay that way.
Had to say--me, too.
I hope to never need an abortion, but also hope it is always available and safe for those who do. Anything else would simply be barbaric.
Now that I have a granddaughter who is old enough to become pregnant I feel even more strongly about women's rights to choose. Her other grandmother has been a volunteer at Planned Parenthood so we are all together on this issue. I urge everybody to contribute when and how they can to the cause and remember to keep rights civil in the face of the fanatics on the other side, as much as possible. There is enough evil anger in the world; ours can be different.
I never liked the idea but be able to choose is vital. I'm dating myself here, but I had a friend in college who had one of the illegal ones. We all were elated when it was finally made legal. It didn't mean more women had them it just meant that they were safer.
Katie: I had TWO friends in college who had illegal abortions. I was shocked, as a naive freshman, but it changed my personal politics.
This is anonymous because I'm a fellow blogger whom you visit often. I had an abortion at age 20 - my choice. Not a single regret. Thankful that it was legal. I'm so grateful for your post that reminds everyone of the significance of Roe v.Wade. Thanks cookiecrumb.
I have a Republican friend who actually said to me that people are "pro-abortion". I had to say to her "Let's just get this out of the way - *NO ONE* is pro-abortion. Some people are pro-choice and some are anti-choice but no one is going out there promoting abortion as a first choice." Got to love those right wing talking points.
Elspeth: It's beyond comprehension. I'm afraid these talking points get swirled around to the point the perpetrators believe they're true. Like they *actually* think we're a bunch of baby-killing, blood-swilling witches. Shudder.
A lot could be accomplished by sitting down and talking rationally. Is that possible? I volunteer.
I'm a(nother) food blogger you would recognize and I had an abortion. I also had a child. I do not regret either decision one bit and would do exactly the same things were those situations to present themselves. That my daughter could be denied the same reproductive autonomy that I had makes me fear for her future.
I'm a food blogger who is sad that we live in a world where I only feel free to say this anonymously.
I have a few questions. If a woman has a right to do whatever she pleases because it is her body, then why is assisted suicide illegal? It's her life. It's her body. She should be able to do what she pleases, right?
We all respect life, or, at least our own lives. We, whether conciously or subconciously, do everything we can to promote and sustain the life we live. Should we not grant this very basic human right to the unborn child? Or is it simply due to the fact that they are mute and defenseless that we feel we have the right to dispose of them should they arrive into inconvinient circumstances?
Also, because it is a woman's body, does that constitute that the life within her is hers to decide whether it live or die? It isn't her life.
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