(I can't help it. I like to run the photos on top.)
So: The payoff is this gorgeous soft taco, made with fresh market vegetables.
The setup: I was reading a review of a Seattle restaurant yesterday on The Ethicurean, about some killer tacos stuffed with mashed potatoes. I thought how much I've been enjoying my own non-meat tacos, filled with only the purest, most local, entirely logical but not greasy-spoon-traditional, vegetables. Potatoes in tacos? Awesome.
It inspired me to make these for lunch today: poofy corn tortillas smeared with smooshed cooked peas mixed with feta and yogurt, topped with sauteed squash and onions.
I took a picture of my creation, only to gasp: "It looks like guacamole!"
Which reminded me that I had read, just two or three days ago, a food blog post about guacamole somewhere... and it had elicited a comment from a reader about fake guacamole made from peas. And I left a comment to that commenter. And now I can't remember what blog I was reading.
Which is all by way of announcing my conundrum: How do you keep track of comments you've left on other blogs?
Hi, CC-
I stopped keeping track when I kept seeing my comments missing from the blog I commented on. Then I learned something interesting this week. Blogger evidently does not allow comments from bloggers that don't have accounts. Therefore, solving the mystery, why I don't get many comments on my blog except from those that have a Blogger account.
Oh well, email is the way I keep in touch with those that comment on my blog. Thanks for stopping by.
Have you tried "pupusas"? They are a sort of gordita filled with potatoes or beans, then grilled. They are topped with a delicious, refreshing pickled cabbage.
There are several places in the Mission that serve this Central American fare.
Anni :-)
These do look lovely! How was the pea guac?
I don't think I should read your blog after eating. It just makes me hungry again and cancels out my perfectly good dinner! I can't wait to make tacos filled with squash and onion.
I don't think what Anni says is true, unless the blogger has set their seetings that way. I certainly get lots of comments from non- blogger members.
I see my comments missing from other blogs but just assume they get lost in the cyberspace, or i forgot to fill in the verification code, and then I dont have a way of tracking coments. i f i am really interested in a post i star it in my rss reader and can get back to it that way, or bookmark it. but usually if forget.
My mouth just broke out in a serious water! Great idea! I love potato and eggs in a taco. Them peas look delisch!
The tacos look mouth-watering. And don't worry about "lost" comments. All of this blogging stuff is very much shooting arrows and stuffing messages in a bottle for the imaginary person who is supposed to read it. I'm sure the message got to its intended destination.
The taco looks delish. As far as comments goes, I have a near photographic memory. That's how I keep track. That's also how I have learned to recognize when a blogger has deleted my comment. I know this to be true because I have seen my comment posted and then mysteriously disappear a couple of hours later. Since this only happens on one blog, I have figured this is not some kind of fluke.
Oooo. And Anni mentioned pupusas. Those are the most fabulous foods. Pupusas are Salvadoran.
I have to say that some Blogger sites won't let me leave a comment, (I'm with Typepad) but most do. I don't know what the problem is---and I've heard other people say they have the same problem. Anyway, love the tacos. Potatoes are great in enchiladas too.
First of all, that's one killer-looking wrap!
Secondly, I NEVER remember where I have/haven't commented. I saw something about CoComment (www.cocomment.com) on food blog s'cool, but never got around to checking it out.
Sam was right! Since, I am still fairly new to Blogger,
I rechecked my preferences and noted that I only accept comments from "registered" members.
I changed it to accept from "Anyone".
Let's see if that makes a difference.
Thanks for the heads up, Sam!
Anni :-)
Dear cookie
I now have two questions:
1. where can I get some poofy tortillas?
2. I'm feeling a little like my comments are unwelcome on your site, since I am a virgin blogger and you don't know me and all. You can answer my question off the air.
THis looks delicious, except for the smashed peas. Don't like peas here! But the colors are beautiful!
Hi Anni: Glad that's cleared up for you now. And yes: Pupusas with escabeche! Darn. I was going to pick some wild purslane to dress in vinaigrette and strew over these tacos, but I forgot.
Catherine: It tasted like peas, not guacamole at all.
Moonbear: I have replied to your comments in the past, so knock off the pouting!! You are most welcome here. D: As for poofy corn tortillas -- I have to whisper -- ::Whole Foods::.
Sam: Oh. Star system? Thanks, I didn't know.
Stacie and Claire: I'd say give it a try, but my imagination's already moved on to the next idea!
SFMike: Heh. I know. Thanks for dropping by and smacking some sense into me every now and then. BTW, I drop by your blog often, and I do you the grand favor of sparing you my inane comments!
Dagny: That's terrible. Stop going there!
Sher: You ever get to a point where you wonder why we're even doing this?
S'Kat: Sigh. Thanks, and maybe I'll just go back to my usual disorganization.
Okay okay okay!
I like to think of my comments as little tiny parcels of monkeygland to be desimination though the blogosphere like cascading dandelion seeds of wit and sex appeal and then forgotten. Or something.
Ah, Monkey Gland... I'm still checking back at your blog to see if you've replied to my comment about figs. Maybe if I could get Sam involved.
Don't tease me with that lovely yellow squash I can't find here!
As for pea quacamole, Molly Katzen has a recipe for that in one of her cookbooks. It sounds good, but I've never tried it.
But potatoes in tacos sure sounds like something I'd love. Maybe for dinner tonight...
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