No, not because we'd gotten bad news. It was looking pretty good, actually, given all the real estate transactions and deferred capital gains we had recently gone through.
But it's stressful, and I don't need to tell you that.
So on the way home from the CPA, we pulled over in Sausalito for a glass of wine. Which, of course, turned into lunch.
I've been to Poggio on a couple of previous occasions. I liked it every time. But I don't know why it hasn't been one of my regular restaurants. It's good, but is it destination-good?
Well, I can tell you this: The chef (Chris Fernandez) grows greens on the rooftop of the restaurant. So, in my book, this is destination-good. But I think it's even better than that.
I've lived in Marin County for about 15 years, and it has taken a lo-o-ong time for this supposedly sophisticated place to get some sophisticated restaurants.
While I lived in Mill Valley, I haunted a wonderful, insider-y, no-great-expectations place. Friends. Reliable food. Good scene.
Anyway. For whatever reason, I didn't make it back to Poggio often. And it turned out that I was glad to have returned last week.
I enjoyed a simple dish of emerald-green asparagus topped with bread-crumb sauteed eggs. Pure, heathen, innocent. (And sexy.) How many restaurants dare to offer a totally simple, completely naive (yet sexy) selection like that?
Cranky had a chicken-under-a-brick with stellar vegetables (secret's out: he liked the vegetables best!).
This is not a restaurant review. This is just me, Cookiecrumb, boring you with one of my most recent, bestest, meals.
The picture is boldly swiped from Poggio's website; go visit — there are more!
Sounds yummy. Yet another place to add to my long list of places to try out.
Vegetables growing on the roof? I like it!
Discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago. Am enjoying your writing very much. Do you have any archival anecdotes re. making icecream? I'm about to commence treading that path.
Adagio (NZ)
Hey, Adagio:
Welcome! I haven't blogged about ice-cream making yet. I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but I DO have an ice cream maker. I know you're enjoying summer at the moment, but stick with me for a few months, and when it gets warmer here, I may try to re-create the melon sorbet I made a few years ago.
When you do get started, think of "strange" flavors: black pepper, sage, mustard. Of course, it usually requires sugar... :D
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