In the aftermath of the Dubai ports deal, President Bush's approval rating has hit a new low and his image for honesty and effectiveness has been damaged. Yet the public uncharacteristically has good things to say about the role that Congress played in this high-profile Washington controversy.
Oh, one more quote from the Pew report:
Bush's personal image also has weakened noticeably, which is reflected in people's one-word descriptions of the president. Honesty had been the single trait most closely associated with Bush, but in the current survey "incompetent" is the descriptor used most frequently.
Aw, never mind. Beer and pretzels at Cookiecrumb's!
Y'know, if the numbers drop any further.... I smell a Pretzel Meme!
As someone looking in from the outside, frankly, I must say that the American public, in general, has taken a surprisingly long time to pull their heads out of the sand. Why is this do you think?
But what about that 33%? For a long time, I thought ill thoughts about people still driving round with their W bumpersickers a year or more after the election. Sore winners, I thought. Always mad, even when they control the whole shebang. Then after Katrina, a lot of those bumperstickers vanished overnight. And I thought of the people who still kept them on their cars, boy, these people are fixated.
But finally I had an epiphany. I realized that driving is an inherently dangerous thing. And that it is really helpful to have one portion of the driving public announce to the world with their W bumperstickers:
What's irritating, really, is that what, like this idiocy is really surprising? What happened in 2004? at least in the 2000 election, we could say Dubya cheated to get in.It's still frightening to know that there are still any people who approve of the job he's doing. OK, OK, I'm done now.
A year after the "re-election" my brother-in-law (republican) said, and I quote, "Do you realize that we went into Iraq, but it was actually AFGHANIS that attacked us???"
These are the people that vote. They know nothing about what they're voting for, they just vote to say they voted. Dumbasses.
I'm on my way over!
And still, Pinhead Nation would probably elect him over anyone the Democrats could conjure up.
I live in Berkeley because I hope to avoid as much of that 33% as I possibly can.
That knee-jerk 33% seems to have pope-ified Bush as we slide precariously close to a dictatorship. Just watch those bastards seize the White House for a third term, because "we're at war."
It defies explanation.
It is a complete and total mystery to me how anyone could have ever voted for him in the first place. And where I live, I'm surrounded by then.
Thinking about this topic more, I wonder whether the stubborn (euphemism) 33% may be attributable to cognitive dissonance.....I voted for Bush and psychologically, it is easier for me to keep on believing that he's done/doing the right thing than suffer the internal discomfort of knowing that I was an complete and utter idiot.
Adagio: Very good.
That sort of thinking certainly defines Bush's complete unwillingness to reconsider Iraq and all his other mistakes.
What's scary is that Rove, et al., understand the cognitive dissonance/stubbornness of Bush's voters, and they exploit it -- to the extent that some Americans think it's all right that Bush is breaking the law. Then they'll think it's all right if Bush occupies the White House for a third term. Then they'll think it's all right if... You know. Inexorable suck-hole of fascism.
As a NZer it is enormously comforting to know that there actually are Americans who recognise the dangerous idiocy of this man. Bush may be president of the US but his effect on global politics is altogether frightening. I only hope our small country continues to stand its ground in the face of George's 'for us or against us' tactics. In Iraq, or the next 'Iraq'.
There are a lot of us, Adagio, and we're utterly stupefied by this juggernaut. Where is this man taking our country, and with whose permission? I don't want to get to the point where I just throw up my hands in despair; I want to keep a hand IN.
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