Friday, February 10, 2006

If Only I Weren't Mad

Just look at what I might be able to accomplish if I were rational. The Cook Not Mad is capable of "Embracing not only the art of curing various kinds of meats and vegetables for future use, but of Cooking, in its general acceptation, to the taste, habits, and degrees of luxury, prevalent with the AMERICAN PUBLICK." (Click picture to see more.)
This book is one of many explored by the Feeding America project, "an online collection of some of the most important and influential American cookbooks from the late 18th to early 20th century."
You'd be mad not to go check it out.


Anonymous said...

Thank you SO much for steering me to these old books. I am an addict. The "feel" of the image of the book you chose reminds me of a book that belonged to my greatgrandmother (right after the Civil War) called A Lady's Guide to Perfect Gentility.

I want to come back to the site when I have time to really sit and read about them.

I also collect names and some of the authors have winners. (My best ones are from obituaries in Georgia...)

MizD said...


::bookmarks & does the happy history geek dance::

Monkey Gland said...

Rational Cookery...the precursor to molecular cuisine?

The peas would be forced into a debate regarding the mind body dualism before being drenched in a thin gravy and quizzed about the nature of God.

cookiecrumb said...

No, Monkey Gland, that's The Spanish Indigestion you're thinking of. You know, Guisantes Torquemada.