Well, it looks like we're not going to get our filibuster in the Senate debate over Sam Alito's suitability as a Supreme Court Justice. Voting on his confirmation could happen as soon as tomorrow, and then you can kiss your liberties as a private American citizen goodbye. Click on the picture to read what his Princeton yearbook had to say about young Sam's ambitions.

Oh, darn. I just wish it wasn't Sandra Day O'Connor's seat he'll be warming.
I feel your pain. Maybe we can host a food blogging event that really delves into the idea of comfort food...
we're gonna need it (maybe that explains my weight gain of the last couple years...)
Um: Does Budweiser count as a comfort food? :D
How about we come up with a recipe for a flaky, supremely tasty, generously packed pastry called a phyllobuster?
I'd love to get a taste of that phyllobuster.
But Kalyn -- Carbs!
Though it is packed with healthful wingnuts.
Alito means breath in Italian and he really looks like bad breath!!
"Great and ineffable thoughts," eh? I wish I believed that.
This Supreme Court nomination (and, I gather, confirmation) is just a giant mountain of suck.
There were 19 deplorable Democrats who voted yesterday for cloture, in an act of spineless cowardice that stabbed their base in the backs. Of those, 15 had the gall to vote "No" on Alito's confirmation today -- effectively trying to play both sides of the fence. I urge anybody as disgusted with these craven idiots as I am to support, fund, and encourage primary challengers to each and everyone of the Deplorable 19. It is long past time for us to clean house and find some real Democrats to represent us!
NS: Almost as much fun as talking about food, eh? Yes, deplorable. You can't have it both ways, idiots! What are they afraid of? Who are they trying to be? (You may already be a kossack, but if not, visit dailykos.com for a vibrant community of Democrats who are working to rebuild the party from the ground up.)
I'll raise a budweiser to that, cookiecrumb! Or maybe 10...
"...Thinking great and indelible thoughts...?" We're in trouble.
Ah, Cooks, we're too late: Alito has now been sworn in. (Does anyone else think he and his wife are actually twins? Look at them closely.) And tonight we get the annual torture from Shrub. We know what he will say and how sick it will make us.
The only glimmer of hope is the polls out today, showing his numbers dropping precipitously.
Shall we gnaw on a root vegetable and declare, "Tomorrow is another day!" ?
I hope you raising some proper Czech Budvar's and not those bottles full of wee that get sold in the US ;-)
No, Monkey Gland, I'm talking about the fake wet stuff. Real beer is sometimes too much of a mouthful for me. (Blame it on the taste buds; I have too many of them.)
kudzu: Are you even going to watch the SOTU address? I'm afraid to say "tomorrow is another day." I used to, all through the 80s and 90s, and I realize now how badly we let things get away from us. Now I say "Get active!" Go see dailykos.com.
Ich, ich, ich! I always feel I have to watch SOTU to lay my eyes on the weirdness. This year may be the worst.
Now he's off on abortion and the
"superb" members of the bench, railing at activist courts. May have to go and throw up.
Wonder how Martin and Coretta would have felt about his honoring her at the beginning of this merde?
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