Friday, November 18, 2005


Cranky saw this bumpersticker today, and he says it put a smile on his cranky face:


Oh, man. They goin' down.


Scoutj said...

Haaaaaa! I love it.

cookiecrumb said...

Thanks, Scout!
And for the record, that deleted comment above was a huge, massive, under-the-radar spam, and it had nothing to do with politics.

rae said...

i'd like to know where i could get my hands on one of them stickers....

Monkey Gland said...

Hmmm. Subtle. Yet to the point. I like it.

Anonymous said...

I'm thirlled to be watching the fabric unravel.

cookiecrumb said...

Jeanne: But what took so long? All the signs were there... Still. [chuckles fiendishly]

Kalyn Denny said...

Now that would really create a disturbance in the school parking lot. My current bumper sticker (The Bush Legacy: Leave No Child a Dime) causes enough comments as it is.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, Kalyn...that bumper sticker in Utah? You are BRAVE, girl! it! Wish our fellow Americans had wised up BEFORE the election, but I'll take what I can get...

cookiecrumb said...

Yeah, good for Kalyn, and especially good for a schoolteacher. (And don't think her colleagues aren't twitchily aware that she's right.)

Anonymous said...

Not really fair to lying sacks of shit, is it? I mean, when is the last time a lying sack of shit got 100,000+ people killed or ran up a half-a-trillion dollar deficit?

cookiecrumb said...

johng: Well, this is just the first line of his resume.