Quoth His Eloquence: "We can all pitch in by using, by being better conservers of energy." (Well, which is it, use or conserve?)
Best of all, though, the Department of Energy has trotted out, on its chubby little trotters, a new mascot for the "Easy Ways to Save Energy" campaign. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman says the government hopes this adorable little cartoon critter will become as familiar as Smokey Bear and McGruff the Crime Dog.
And who is this charming new character, the symbol of our government's energy crisis, I mean conservation campaign, the little fuzzy lovekins who will whisper sweet words of encouragement when our willpower wanes and we start jonesing for a little dose of fossil fuel, please, just a tiny taste?
Meet Energy Hog!
(And, oy, what a lame Web site. Lamey-oh. Worth visiting to see how lame-a-tricious.)
I could not make this stuff up.
kinda looks like cheney with hair huh?
Inspector Hector.
How old are we? Five?
I can't believe the mascot is a hog. Doesn't that kinda send the wrong msg? Of course, it's just about what I'd expect from the Bush Administration.
Screamingly wrong!!! (Of course, the intention of the Web site is that energy hogs are the enemy, but -- and yet, and yet...)
Man, I want to swear up a storm.
Lame doesn't even begin to describe that web site. It's offensive and dumb and makes my skin crawl. It's wrong on so many levels.
I think what I'll do is go home and open up all my doors and windows, turn on the furnace and replace all my lights with 250 watt floods. Why? Because I clearly don't know any better. Pinheads.
I went through all this crap in the 70s, conserve this, conserve that. Learn the metric system. Hells bells, I moved 6 minutes from work just so I could save on commute costs.
I have to say though, hogs are our friends.
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