Not everything has been takeout. I made some dandy bacon and eggs the other day, and there was a terrific dinner of whole-wheat pasta I'll be blogging about shortly.
But, you can imagine, what with packing up all our stuff and moving, it's just easier not to get all creative in the kitchen, and go out for something most times.
Cranky came up with an idea to combine takeout leftovers with homemade food.
Wow. What a clever boy.
We had a container of leftover nachos (basic bar food: tortilla chips, beans, cheese, chicken, some salsa). So he bought four pasilla peppers and a little extra cheese; a jalapeño pepper and an avocado. The man can cook!
What he did was to take the (now mushy) nachos and stir them with a little added refried beans. Chopped up some dry jack cheese (still can't find the grater). Piled this delicious mess inside cut-open, deseeded peppers, and baked them in the oven in a covered dish with a little splash of water. Once they were tender, he covered them with a guacamole of avocado, minced onion, minced jalapeño, chopped cilantro, and a squeeze of lemon (that we swiped from the tree of a house we were looking at to buy, but didn't).
Look at this lunch! Tasty with the corn flavor of the tortillas; sumptuous with the guac. Tender with the molten crisp of fresh peppers.
Also. Look. The one on the left looks like Sam the Eagle from the Muppets. OK, maybe not so very much.
But — the one on the right looks like a howling George Bush. I bit his head off.
Ha! You are sooo cute. I love the peppers. Glad you are starting to feel a little bit at home... it always takes a while. Welcome to this wonderful city ;-)!
Where did you get your "dandy bacon"?
I highly doubt George Bush tastes as good as that pepper. Give the pepper some credit!
That looks fantastic! Yum. He's so creative. I'm very impressed.
I need lessons from Cranky I'm not terribly good at creating something (that tastes any good anyway) from left overs. This looks good.
Jennifer: Ah... Sigh. Thank you for the words of encouragement. So tender of you.
Chilebrown: Um. Prather. Does that pass muster?
Leena: Yeah, when I got to the George Bush portion of my meal, I had to spit it out. P'too!!
Glenna: Isn't it funny what you can come up with? Er, well, what my creative, industrious husband can come up with? I'm grateful.
ChrisB: We like to convert our leftovers into something far beyond what they started out as. In this case, we were stuck with Latino flavors (which is fine), but it did end up being something quite "other" than it was at first.
Since I know where You and Cranky hang out on Sunday's, it is decent. My favorite Bacon, 'A&B" from Bend Or., is going out of business. Ms. Goofy and I are going on a Meat Adventure this Summer! Peace,Paul
I stumbled onto your blog, and I am so glad I did!
This looks like a fun place to hang out~ but we may need to avoid discussing our politics :{)
The peppers look great! I'll be back~
Yummy! glad you're spending time settling in!
Ohh, nice peppers. One thing I do miss about the good ole USA.
Those looked REALLY good. Oddly, my officemate was telling me about some yummy grilled stuffed peppers she made through a very similar process. I guess I'll have to make it a trio.
And I am happy to discuss politics! One of the things I love about your blog is the banner...
Chilebrown: Well, now. So where should we get the best bacon from now? You wanna open up a shop? I'll be your graphic designer.
Hi, Sandi@! How nice of you to stumble by. I will go check out your link now. :-) Politics? Heh.
Catherine: It's so leisurely. Today we had the garage opener guy. And then sat on the patio, and then dug two more holes for tomatoes. The life. xxx
KathyF: Should I send you seeds? Seriously.
Willa: It reduces a lot of the guilt about eating off the grid. You bring home the leftovers and "green" them up. (Thanks for the empathy. We do what we can.)
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